Novus ordo seclorum - Az új világrend 3.
... "Master Spy" szerzőjének. Knightley azt a következtetést vonta le ebből a beszélgetésből, hogy a brit vezetés tudtával távozott Philby Moszkvába. Könyvének utolsó fejezetében, amely a "The Final Coup" ("Az utolsó államcsíny") címet viseli, Knightley idézi Philby következő szavait: "Gorbacsovban olyan vezetőre leltem, aki igazolja hűséges szolgálatban eltöltött éveimet."/16/ Az elt...
2023-05-15 22:00:30
Ez történt ma
... last known Jew to be burned alive for secretly practicing Judaism. He had escaped the previous Auto da Fe in September of 1752.

1866 January 15, SWITZERLAND
Jews were finally granted equal rights. It took another seven years for the Constitution to be changed.

1931. január 15. "A kommunisták következetes internacionalistákként mindenképpen az antis...
2014-01-15 22:37:00
Ez történt - Május 1.-én
... "Architect" of Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka was killed by the Russian secret service in 1945. Stangl managed to evade arrest and fled to Brazil with the knowledge of the Austrian government He was finally arrested and sentenced to life in prison in 1970 but died of a heart attack the following year.

1942: The Japanese capture Monywa and Mandalay. The fall of Monywa wa...
2013-05-01 07:43:03
Ez történt - Április 3.-án
... Agheila.

1942: Japanese bomb Mandalay in Central Burma, killing 2,000. They met no opposition from the RAF as all its aircraft had by now been withdrawn to India.

1942: The final Japanese offensive on Bataan begins with a five hour artillery and air bombardment, after which the Japanese launch infantry attacks supported by some tanks, which allows them to m...
2013-04-03 01:31:43
Ez történt - Március 27. -én
... Hitler, who decides to delay his surprise attack on the Soviet Union in order to launch "Operation Union", whose intent is the destruction of Yugoslavia.

1941: British troops finally take Keren, although they suffer nearly 4,000 casualties in the process, while the Italians lose some 3,000 men. The Italians are forced to withdraw towards Asmara. The 11th African Divisi...
2013-03-27 08:50:19
Ez történt - Március 1. -én
... by Arabs. Joseph Trumpeldor and seven men under his command were killed in the ensuing battle.

1921 March, TREATY OF RIGA (Poland)
Poland's post-World War I borders were finally recognized. Poland received almost one-third of the Ukraine along with Galicia, Pozania, Pomerania, and parts of Silesia, bringing the Jewish population of Poland to between 11-15% accord...
2013-03-01 05:06:55
Ez történt - Január 15.-én
... the last known Jew to be burned alive for secretly practicing Judaism. He had escaped the previous Auto da Fe in September of 1752.

1866 January 15, SWITZERLAND
Jews were finally granted equal rights. It took another seven years for the Constitution to be changed.

1931. január 15. "A kommunisták következetes internacionalistákként mindenképpen az a...
2013-01-15 08:54:24
Ez történt - Május 1.-én
... "Architect" of Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka was killed by the Russian secret service in 1945. Stangl managed to evade arrest and fled to Brazil with the knowledge of the Austrian government He was finally arrested and sentenced to life in prison in 1970 but died of a heart attack the following year.

1942: The Japanese capture Monywa and Mandalay. The fall of Monywa wa...
2012-05-01 09:46:14
Ez történt - Április 3.-án
... Agheila.

1942: Japanese bomb Mandalay in Central Burma, killing 2,000. They met no opposition from the RAF as all its aircraft had by now been withdrawn to India.

1942: The final Japanese offensive on Bataan begins with a five hour artillery and air bombardment, after which the Japanese launch infantry attacks supported by some tanks, which allows them to m...
2012-04-03 07:40:02
Ez történt - Március 27. -én
... Hitler, who decides to delay his surprise attack on the Soviet Union in order to launch "Operation Union", whose intent is the destruction of Yugoslavia.

1941: British troops finally take Keren, although they suffer nearly 4,000 casualties in the process, while the Italians lose some 3,000 men. The Italians are forced to withdraw towards Asmara. The 11th African Divisi...
2012-03-27 08:11:22
1 2 
Címkék: Master Spy, Philby Moszkvába, Final Coup, Central Burma, Soviet Union, Operation Union, African Divisi, Joseph Trumpeldor, TREATY OF RIGA, következtetést vonta, brit vezetés, utolsó államcsíny, kommunisták következetes, heart attack, five hour, beszélgetésből, következtetést, constitution, következetes, gorbacsovban, szolgálatban, mindenképpen, switzerland, szerzőjének, destruction, kommunisták, fejezetében, bombardment, government, yugoslavia, államcsíny, practicing, recognized, opposition, casualties, trumpeldor, population, treblinka, withdrawn, eltöltött, knowledge, architect, artillery, knightley, operation, supported, following, könyvének, september, sentenced, moszkvába, következő, világrend, offensive, pomerania, secretly, aircraft, mandalay, japanese, infantry, received, italians, surprise, previous, austrian, arrested, withdraw, bringing, tudtával, távozott, although,
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